The Importance of “Thank You”

Do you remember when you were a kid and your mom made you send out thank-you cards to everyone who came to your birthday party? Of course, this was before the age of the Internet, when thank-you cards were actual cards, written out in pencil and folded into an envelope to be put in the mailbox at the end of the driveway. Not everyone’s mom made them take the time, but when you received one of those obligatory notes, you felt good, as if your present really was appreciated.

Since the dawn of email, however, it seems as if handwritten notes have gone the way of the dinosaur. Do you even remember the last time you sent a thank-you note, whether via email or postal mail? Did we get so busy that the niceties of life passed us by? Perhaps, even in our hurried world where anything longer than a post on Twitter doesn’t often get read, it’s time to take a deep breath and a step back to remember how important it is to express our gratitude of others.

Saying Thank You Makes Everyone Feel Good
A simple thank you, in certain contexts, holds the same power as a nice compliment. When someone tells you how pretty or handsome you look, you can float on that remark for the rest of the day, right? That’s the same way most of us feel when we receive an unexpected thank-you card in the mail (and in a pinch, even an emailed card works the same way).

Saying Thank You Makes You Realize How Much You Have
You’ve probably heard of people who practice daily gratitude, during which time they are consciously thankful for the things they’ve received during that day. Taking the time to write out a thank-you card has the same effect: we realize how much we have received and are sharing our gratitude at having received it. Even if the gift wasn’t something you’ve always wanted, you know that the giver put time and energy into choosing it, and that thoughtfulness is enough to warrant a heartfelt thank you.

Saying Thank You Creates a Generation of “Nice” People
You’ve probably heard the older generation say that young people have no manners or are inconsiderate of others. If today’s parents get their children into the habit of sending thank-you cards after birthday parties (or for any reason, really), those kids will understand the importance of thank you and how it makes others feel good, feels good for themselves, and just makes the world a nicer place.

So stop by the dollar store and grab a packet of thank-you cards. If you want, you could even make your cards yourself — that enters a whole new world of niceties! Pick up your pen and start writing. Once you and your children get into the habit of saying thank you, you’ll see that you will want to express your gratitude for all kinds of things, or you may want to send a card for no reason at all.

If you’re looking for a reason to receive thank-you cards, a party is a wonderful idea. The party experts at White Knight Party Rentals can provide all of the essentials you need to create an event your guests will be thanking you for — for months to come!

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